Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blighty here we come.

After much shouting at Qantas, praying to the God of aviation and a nice man at Trailfinders swapping our ticket to British Airways, we have a new flight. We now arrive in the UK a week earlier than we expected. We leave here on Thursday 29th and arrive into Heathrow 06.25 on Friday 30th so we'll see you lovely people at the weekend.

I'll definitely be sorry to leave here, Pete's place is pretty fantastic and along with great weather and decent food, it's not a bad life. That said, the thought of earning some money again is not to be sniffed at.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday.


p.s. James isn't at all happy with the change of flight and I quote "thanks for ruining my holiday and making me go home" so expect one happy and one grumpy face when you see us.


Heathrow Airport Taxis said...

Ouch...dragged screaming from a sunny beach back to this politically hyped-up country. Will be there at Heathrow to greet you on Friday then. Will e-mail James. Enjoy that sunshine, but hey - it's sunny here too you know! Take care. Dad