Our next scheduled flight from is from Sao Paulo to Bogota on Nov 17th, and we've a number of places we want to see before then (Iguazu Falls/Florianopolis/Rio). Yesterday after strolling the streets and spending some time kicking back in the park, we went about planning our escape from BA... For this we needed to locate the retiro (station).
The station area is a particularly busy "in your face" area, here we found plenty of traders and truckstop style snackstops. I'd read about some of the street food on offer, and under recommendation of Lonely Planet ordered a Carne Empanada (basically a small (Cornish) Beef Pasty) at San Maria cafe. We instantly took a liking to these little things, I think one of them and 2 drinks came to 8 pescos (£1.20).
I digress, we got supreme tickets with Viabariroche for 270 pescos (£45), the service includes a hot dinner (which was good) and breakfast, with inclusive drinks. It's a good 1000 miles/17hrs (approx) so decided to upgrade the seats, basically fully reclining armchairs... We managed to bag the front seats on top deck!
So after that we headed home and decided to take the tube (confusing), where we happily stumbled into some 9st drunk retard who after briefly saying "hello" and offering me some of his beer, decided to stand repeatedly in front of the tube map. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't want to manually move him!
Anyway, we got back to San Telmo and decided to have a drink (see yesterdays post), £3 a cocktail, yaaaaar!
Now at Dorrengo Plaza (famous square), we bumped into 2 Americans (that we saw at the last bar, but hadn't spoke to). So suffice to say they were camper than a row of tents, but we shared a laugh, Miranda had eaten at this guys favourite restuarant in NY, which they found funny. It turned out they weren't a couple, but one guy had clear intentions. We kinda felt for the guy... lol.
As it turned out, while we talked about Ab Fab and Yorkshire Pudding an artist called Frazer was sketching the four of us. He approached us, and we sent him away, we felt kinda bad so Miranda went and spoke to him, he came and finished the sketch whilst we looked through his portfolio. We decided to enquire about another sketch in his 'folio. As it transpired the picture was one he drew retrospectively after a night with a Ballerina... We liked it and ended up paying 45 pescos (£6), just need a bathroom to hang them in now heh.
Dinner tonight was Steak (it's everywhere) at Desnivel (Defensa Av), sort of place you'd never knowingly go to, but having read a few tips on tinterweb we went for it. Wow is all I can say... Seriously, steak in the UK just doesn't taste this good, in fact it's like comparing Corned Beef to a Fillet, we handed over our £15 and retired.
Today, was another scorcher. We ended up going on a tour bus, figured for £4 it was a good way to see the City as a whole, fortunately lunch consisted of a steak sandwich from a roadside parilla (restuarant), for £1.50 how could you not?

Observations of BA:
- Cheap.
- Wonderful Beef!
- They don't eat vegetables.
- Friendly city to walk around, slower than London.
- Some of the cars are deathtraps!
- Noticable (perceived) wealth differential.
Next up... Iguazu/National Park.
-- Posted from my iPhone
Like reading Bill Bryson - very entertaining. Both of us sat in bed reading this, outside - the last of 2 inches of rain helped by a howling gale slides down the window....winter's arrived. Hurrah. Missing London? Nope - thought not. TTFN. Dad and Jack
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